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Natural mineral waters, spring waters and tap water have a special role to play towards healthy hydration for consumers. Available data suggest that Europeans are not drinking enough.
According to EU legislation, natural mineral and spring waters are clearly distinguishable from ordinary drinking water, must only come from protected underground origin and may not be disinfected nor chemically treated.
For a question of quality. Water labelled as mineral water is a 100% pure water that meets the concept of original purity. This means that there is a zero tolerance for impurities, such as pesticides. Albeit tap water it meets the standards of potability, there is not a zero-tolerance policy on impurities present in the water. In short, tap water is good, but mineral water is better.
The glass bottle will never completely replace the plastic bottle everywhere. Consumers use glass bottles at home, but they still use plastic bottles when they are on the move or when they’re playing sport.
There is a slight shift in sales. The impact of the plastic reduction campaigns has a very light impact on plastic bottle sales for Spadel. That being said, even if there is a slight impact on plastic bottle sales, it is difficult to assess the exact origin because heat waves also have an impact on bottled water sales.
In response to consumer concerns about plastic bottles, Spadel has launched its "Source of Change" program, whereby the group commits to collect 100% of its marketed packaging and to use 100% reused or recycled materials in its packaging by 2025.
In line with the objective to reduce its plastic and carbon footprint, Spadel announced in February 2020 that the continuous efforts of Devin® (Bulgaria) towards creating more sustainable packaging are paying off. Devin® announced that this year they will be significantly reducing the amount of PET used for the 0.5 and 1.5l bottles. They’ve been making regular investments in operations to ensure they can reduce their plastic consumption, while safeguarding the quality of the water inside. Of course, the bottles remain fully recyclable.
Spadel is also committed to fighting more effectively against littering and to setting up partnerships for optimal sorting in order to significantly increase the quality of recycled materials.
Consumer habits are changing. There has indeed been a slight increase in sales of returnable glass bottles, especially when it comes to consumption at home or in restaurants.
On the other hand, when it comes to water consumption on the move or on the road, plastic bottles are still the preferred choice of consumers.
We will reduce the weight of our single use plastic footprint by 15% in the lead up by 2025. As an intermediate target, we’re aiming for a 5% reduction by 2022. In order to calculate our plastic footprint, we use the Plastic Disclosure Project guidelines as a reference framework.
The Plastic Disclosure Project is a global initiative to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste. It provides guidelines to companies to report on and disclose their plastic footprint, similar to the carbon disclosure project. These guidelines will help us lower our use of raw materials and our environmental impact.
Spadel is committed to reducing its total CO2 emissions by 42% in 2030 compared to 2015. By 2050 we want to achieve zero net emissions. The international Science Based Targets Initiative provides us with the framework for defining our carbon reduction targets, allowing us to play our part in the global journey to stabilise climate change up to 1,5°C.
The goal is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Our production sites have been carbon neutral since 2015. Since October 2020 all the group's brands (SPA®, BRU®, Carola®, Wattwiller®, Devin®) have achieved carbon neutrality over the entire life cycle of their products, making Spadel the first mineral group in Europe to be certified carbon neutral over all its entities and products. Having undertaken numerous efforts since 2010 to reduce its climate impact as much as possible, Spadel also wanted to take responsibility for the remaining CO2 emissions, which cannot be reduced any further, by offsetting this temporarily unavoidable carbon. Therefore, when a consumer buys a bottle of SPA® or BRU®, its carbon impact is now neutralized.
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Our headquarters
Spadel Brussels
Avenue des Communautés 110
B-1200 Bruxelles
Tel. : +32 (0)2 702 38 11
Fax : +32 (0)2 702 38 12
Access to the car park: take the first exit from the roundabout after the building (Rue d'Attique). The entrance to the car park is on your right.
See on a mapSpa Monopole
Address: Rue Auguste Laporte 34
B-4900 Spa
Tel. : +32 (0)87 79 41 11
Contact us See on a mapBru
Address: Les Bruyères 151
B-4987 Stoumont (Lorcé)
Tel. : +32 (0)86 43 33 37
Contact us See on a mapSpadel Nederland
Address: Brieltjenspolder 28 D
NL-4921 PJ Made
Tel. : +31 (0)162 690 760
Contact us See on a mapCarola
Address: 48 route de Bergheim
68150 Ribeauvillé - France
Tel. : +33 (0)3 89 73 24 24
Contact us See on a mapWattwiller
Address: 2 Rue de Guebwiller
68700 Wattwiller - France
Tel. : +33 (0)3 89 75 76 77
Contact us See on a mapDevin
Address: Sofia 1113,
13B Tintyava St., entrance А, floor 5
Tel. : 070017707
Contact us See on a map